Monday, December 19, 2011

Parents want to kick me out?

I'm 20 years old and about to be a junior in college. I live at school most of the year and work two jobs in the summer to pay for school. My parents help out, but I pay tuition. I recently moved in with my dad and stepmom from a very bad bad situation at my biological mother's house. They think I have depression and forced me to see a councelor, but I told them that I complained to the councelor about them (rules, how they make me feel, not treating me like my age, etc.) and they blew up and now they all of the sudden want to kick me out. I'm a dean's list student who doesn't drink or do drugs or have promiscuous . I feel that if I truly have a problem, they should be more patient with me. I feel like I have to kiss their feet in order to just live there.


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